The third and last call for application for the new 2022-2024 CCD – SteDe programme is now open!
Deadline: 7th of June
This is the last opportunity to apply for the academic year 2022-23. The call is open ONLY to EU candidates
What is the new International Master’s Degree Course CCD-STeDe?
From this edition, the international master’s degree is spreading worldwide, even more! There is the possibility of choosing among 4 academic paths, combining English with Spanish, Portuguese, or French!
Choose among:
- Climate change, sustainability, development / Cambio Climático, Sustentabilidad y Desarrollo (University of Padova and Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar; teaching languages: English and Spanish)
- Regional and local studies / Estudos Regionais e Locais (University of Padova and Universidade da Madeira; teaching languages: English and Portuguese)
- Territorial management / Aménagement du Territoire (University of Padova and Université Joseph Ki Zerbo; teaching languages: English and French)
- Environmental Management (University of Padova and University of Johannesburg; teaching languages: English and French)
Visit the “Admission” page to know more about enrollment requirements and how to apply