CCD-STeDe’s Permanent Table of Consultation is constituted of relevant international stakeholders – representatives from civil society sectors, NGOs, Public Administrators, firms, International Organizations, and European Institutions – working or active in the field of international cooperation and development, or climate change policies. They will be yearly consulted in order to evaluate the master programme’s adequacy and relevance for the labour market, from one side.

From the other side they will constitute a network with the aim of connecting students with the labour market, offering seminars or lectures on relevant and actual challenges.  The consultation table will share suggestions also on how to contact excellent students not only in terms of university achievements but also in the commitments to change, climate justice, and territorial sustainability.


  • Sabrina Urrutia (International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO)), Communications Officer & Project Manager, Bruxelles, Belgium
  • Nadia Ortega (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)),  Regional Coordinator for Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change and Community Resilience, Panama
  • Jenny Capuano (Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione), Training responsible, Trento, Italy
  • Luisa Chiodi (Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa Trento), Scientific Director, Trento, Italy
  • Pierino Martinelli (Fondazione Fontana), Director, Ravina (TN), Italy and Padova, Italy
  • Lorenza Biasetto (Ufficio cooperazione allo sviluppo Provincia Autonoma di Trento), Responsible, Trento, Italy
  • Sandra Endrizzi (Centro per la Cooperazione Internazionale Provincia Autonoma di Trento), Trento, Italy
  • Paola Delrio (APPA – Agenzia Provinciale per la protezione dell’Ambiente, Unità organizzativa in materia di informazione, formazione, educazione ambientale e Agenda 2030 Provincia Autonoma di Trento), Unit responsible, Trento, Italy
  • Massimo Bastiani (Tavolo Nazionale Contratti di Fiume), Scientific coordinator, Gubbio, Italy
  • Luigi Zanin  (International Cooperation Organizational Unit Regione Veneto), Directors, Venice, Italy
  • Anna Fasano (Banca Etica), President and representative of the General Affairs Office, Padova, Italy
  • Guido Turus (MOVI – Movimento di Volontariato Italiano, Bioresistenze), National coordinator, Padova, Italy
  • Vanessa Pallucchi (Forum Nazionale del Terzo settore), President and representative, Rome, Italy
  • Marcella Mallen (ASviS – Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile), President, speaker and education & training responsible, Rome, Italy
  • Paolo Chesani (FOCSIV – Federazione degli organismi di volontariato internazionale di ispirazione cristiana), President, Policy Office and Responsible of the volunteers in Ecuador, Rome, Italy
  • Verónica Méndez (Asociacion Inteamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente – AIDA), Activist, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Ivonne Yanez (Acción Ecológica), Activist, Ecuador
  • Harjeet Singh (Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty), Strategic Parnership Advisor and activist, Delhi, India 
  • Luca Saltalamacchia (Legalità per il clima), Lawyer, Napoli, Italy
  • Chase Iron Eyes (Sioux Nation and Lakota People’s Law Project), Activist, Indigenous Leader and Co-Director and Lead Counsel of Lakota People’s Law Project, South Dakota, USA
  • Stephan Singer (Climate Action Network-International), Senior Advisor Global Energy Policy, Bruxelles, Belgium
  • Chiara Soletti (Italian Climate Network), Policy Ambassador and Observer since 2015 of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), London, England
  • Fiore Longo (Survival International), Activist and Researcher, Paris, France
  • John Sinha (COP26 Coaliton and Stay Grounded), Climate Activist, London, England
  • Antonio Tricarico (Recommon), Activist and Researcher, Rome, Italy
  • Mitzi Jonelle Tan (Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines – YACAP and Fridays for Future), Climate Activist and Youth Leader, Metro Manila, Philippines
  • Marta Ellena (Euro-Mediterranean Center of Climate Change), Researcher, Turin, Italy
  • Ineza Umohoza Grace (Ineza Umohoza Grace), Researcher, climate activist and youth leader, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Anne Heloise Barbosa do Nascimento (Femminst Action Coalition for Climate Justice and Engajamundo), Climate Activist and Youth Leader, Recife, Brazil
  • Vanessa Nakate (Rise Up Movement), Climate Activist, Kampala, Uganda
  • Stina Ellevseth Oseland (Bergen Municipality), Director of the Climate Agency, Bergen, Norway
  • Omar Mohamed Elmawi (TOEACOP coordinator campaigns till November 2022), Lawyer, Kenya