The month of November is particularly rich in internationally celebrated events related to the themes of Geography and GIScience. In addition to the famous GISday, celebrated on November 20, the third week of November features the celebrations of Geography Awareness Week and OSM Geo Week (November 18 – 22).

This year, the Erasmus Mundus International Joint Master on Climate Change and Diversity: Sustainable Territorial Development (CCD–STeDe) is pleased to announce several events (both online and in presence) in the framework of the 7th edition of the GeoNovember initiative, in collaboration with the Master in GIScience and Remote Piloted Systems of the University of Padova

Participation in every event is completely free and open to everyone!

// To register for the events, it is necessary to fill out the form.

Please remember to check the specific pages of each event. For any details or contacts, refer to the organizers listed below and featured in the official poster (clickable links).


  • 08/11 | 15.00-16.30 (GMT + 1) | The Kurdish Question: a focus on Bakur and Rojava. An alternative project of social and political organization based on democracy, women and ecology con Federico Venturini, University of Udine. Erasmus Mundus International Joint  Master on Climate Change and Diversity: Sustainable Territorial Development (CCD–STeDe) (IN ENGLISH)
    > YouTube live @ccd-stede – REGISTER HERE


  • 10/11 | 11.00 (GMT + 1) | Le funzioni ambientali del verde urbano – Agricoltura Urbana – Pop Com, Gishub (IN ITALIAN)
    > Area Verde Via Pizzamano, Padova – Info:


  • 12/11 | 17.00-18.00 (GMT + 1) | Guided tour of the exhibition DISPLACEMENT by Laura Pugno, curated by Giada Peterle and Giovanni Donadelli. The tour is primarily aimed at teachers of all levels and will be led by Giovanni Donadelli (IN ITALIAN)–Free registration on Eventbrite
    AIIG Veneto, Museo di Geografia
    > Museo di Geografia, via del Santo 26, Padova – Info:


  • 13/11 | 9.15-11.15 (GMT + 1)| VIA, cicli di progetto e iterazioni nella gestione di un sito industriale con Marco Grendele, Landes srl. Master’s Degree Course Environmental Sustainability and Education
    > Fiore di Botta, Aula 2H Via del Pescarotto 8, Padova – Info:


  • 13-14/11 | 9.00-12.00 (GMT + 1) | Science for All per le scuole (IN ITALIAN)
    > Museo di Geografia, via del Santo 26, Padova – Info:


  • 15/11 | 17.30 (GMT + 1) | Inaguration day of Master in GIScience e SPR . Master in GIScience e SPR (IN ITALIAN)
    Aula CM, DICEA, via Ognissanti 39, Padova
    > YouTube live – @GIScienceTV, REGISTER HERE


  • 18/11 | 17.00 (GMT + 1)| Free tour of the Geography Museum led by its curator, Chiara Gallanti, on the occasion of European Academic Heritage Day (IN ITALIAN) –Free registration on Eventbrite
    > Museo di Geografia, via del Santo 26, Padova– Info:


  • 20/11 | 08.00-18.00 (poster session) e 14.00-18.00 (GMT + 1) | GIS Day 2024. Cirgeo
    Corte Benedettina, Legnaro PD, Sala Agricoltura
    > Info: | YouTube live – @GIScienceTV, REGISTER HERE 


  • 23/11 | 15.00-18.00 (GMT + 1)| CoderDojo Padova, laboratorio di programmazione per bambine/i e ragazze/i (IN ITALIAN)
    Museo Veneto del Giocattolo
    > Free participation, register on the webisite of Coderdojo Padova


  • 26/11 | 15.00-17.00  | Exclusive preview of the game Biodiversi and open game test for all board game enthusiasts. (IN ITALIAN) –Free registration on Eventbrite
    > Museo di Geografia, via del Santo 26, Padova– Info:


  • 28/11 | 16.00-18.00 (GMT + 1)| Contested territories of Palm Oil in Ecuador: monoculture, violence and community resistance con Natalia Bonilla, Acción Ecológica . Erasmus Mundus International Joint  Master on Climate Change and Diversity: Sustainable Territorial Development (CCD–STeDe) (Geovisualization of territorial change: Digital Earth and Participatory GIS) (IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH)
    > YouTube live @ccd-stede – REGISTER HERE


  • 02/12 | 12.00-18.30 (GMT + 1) | MAPPArti – Workshop 2024. Un incontro al Museo di Geografia rivolto ad artisti e artiste interessate alla cartografia (IN ITALIAN) –Free registration on Eventbrite
    > Museo di Geografia, via del Santo 26, Padova– Info:


  • 03/12 | 17.00-18.30 (GMT + 1)| Presentation of the book Regnum Chinae. The Printed Western Maps of China to 1735, with Marco Caboara (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology). Thematic cartographic exhibition on China. On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Geography Museum and the 700th anniversary of Marco Polo’s death (IN ITALIAN)
    > Museo di Geografia, via del Santo 26, Padova– Info:


  • 04/12 | 14.30-16.00 (GMT + 1) | Climate change in Nepal: a perspective from microfinance practice con Bharat Singh Thapa, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Erasmus Mundus International Joint  Master on Climate Change and Diversity: Sustainable Territorial Development (CCD–STeDe) (IN ENGLISH)
    > YouTube live @ccd-stede – REGISTER HERE

/ Download the poster with all the events!


Erasmus Mundus Joint Master on Climate Change and Diversity: Sustainable Territorial Development (CCD–STeDe) contacts:

» Facebook
» Instagram
» YouTube

Master in GIScience and RPS contacts:
» Blog
» Facebook
» Instagram

» YouTube

Happy GeoNovember 2024, and best wishes to all those contributing to the initiatives. Participation is free, open, and available to everyone!