CCD-STeDe aims to create experts in the area of sustainable territorial development in the context of climate change. More concretely it trains professionals to be able to help organizations acting in the territory (enterprises, local communities, civil society organizations, public administrations) to draft sustainable development policies combining economic, social, environmental, international and intercultural dimensions.

The Master refers to the ability of:

– giving recommendations in the area of sustainable territorial development for climate change adaptation;

– taking part in the idea, analysis and management of territorial transition either in the framework of sustainable development either in the pluriverse of post-development and alternatives to development;

– assessing the different validation tools for sustainable development actions and policies within the public and private territorial organizations.


Job opportunities:

– At the end of the course students will be awarded a second level degree (Master’s level degree) that gives access to third level degree courses (Doctoral’s level degree courses).

– Job opportunities for alumni could be found in all sectors where actions for territorial transitions should be implemented, in particular in territorial organizations responsible for the creation of sustainable territories (territorial communities, enterprises, non-state actors and civil society organizations, local governments), the central government and international organizations.

– Potential positions are environmental adviser; sustainable development manager in local communities, public administrations, enterprises, civil society organizations & local governments; representative within local public institutions, national and international institutions, enterprises, trade unions & professional bodies.