CONFERENCE | From Urban Greening To Greening Gentrification: An Issue of Justice

From Urban Greening To Greening Gentrification: An Issue of Justice

19 September | 15.00 – 17.00 CEST
Streaming online on Youtube

Event programme

Introduced by

  • Prof. Francesca Peroni, University of Padua

Keynote Speaker

  • Isabelle Anguelovski, Research Professor at the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA)

Brief Description

Isabelle Anguelovski is the Director of BCNUEJ (Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability) and ICREA Research Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Her research examines the extent to which urban plans and policy decisions to more just, resilient and sustainable cities and how environmental processes can lead to new forms of locally unwanted land uses in the marginalized communities

// The event is free and open to anyone interested in participating – REGISTER HERE TO PARTICIPATE
The event will be held in English
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